2-3 year olds:
- say between 50 and 500 words, using more and more words every month
- combine 2 or 3 words in simple sentences and questions (e.g., Mommy eat. What Daddy do?)
- use the sounds t, d, m, n, p, b, w, and h correctly; can be understood by most people half the time
- follow 2-step directions (e.g., Get the ball and put it on the table.)
3-4 year olds:
- say sentences and questions that are 4 to 5 words long
- use the sounds k, g, f and s correctly, and can be understood by most people 80% of the time
- use words such as walked, walking, dogs, mom‘s, I, me, you, he, she, and, red, don’t, and is
- speak smoothly with only occasional word repetitions (and no facial tension during repetitions)
4-5 year olds:
- say sentences and questions that are 5 to 8 words long
- use the sounds l, sh, ch, and j correctly, and can be understood by most people most of the time
- retell a familiar story or describe how to do something, with the main parts in the right order
- ask and answer simple who, what, where, when, and why questions, using words (not just gestures)
5-6 year olds:
- say most sounds correctly (th and r may still be developing)
- understand complex directions, as well as concepts such as before, first, half empty, less, and a lot
- can rhyme words and recite nursery rhymes
- use mostly adult-like grammar, and communicate easily with other children and adults
6-7 year olds (Grade 1):
- can tell a complete story with more than one character and a clear plot in the right order
- understand the letter-sound relationships for sounds at the beginnings and ends of words
- recognize about 200 words by sight and understand them in the context of sentences
- correctly spell many simple one-syllable words (e.g., cat) and write complete sentences
7 year olds (Grade 2):
- say all sounds correctly, including s (with no lisp), th, and r
- correctly spell many one- and two-syllable words (e.g.jump, jumping)
- read many two- and three-syllable words, and use sentence context to identify new words
- write simple stories and book reports, using correct grammar and descriptive words
– by H. Pass, R-SLP