What is Accent Modification?
Accent modification is a tool for increasing a person’s ability to speak clearly in standard Canadian English. Your specific speech pattern will be analyzed and small changes will be made to increase speech intelligibility (how well
an unfamiliar listener understands your speech).
Accent modification services are designed to identify and reduce accented pronunciation that may make your speech difficult to understand. Our services do not attempt to eliminate your accent because it is our view that your accent is something to be proud of and is an important part of your identity. Instead, our approach helps you speak confidently and clearly, with your unique accent.
We use the only currently known test that is evidence-based, normed, and standardized for use with individuals with foreign accents, the Comprehensive Assessment of Accentedness & Intelligibility (CAAI: Shah, 2007). This is also true for CAAI’s therapy approach. There are no other research-tested, evidence-based therapy approaches to date. Only commercial programs (e.g. Compton P-ESL program) are available.
For more information or to schedule a complementary telephone consultation with Grace M. Libardo, our accent modification expert, contact us.